October 2023 – Record and CD Painting

Acknowledgement of Country

For thousands of years the Kaurna people have walked on the land we meet today. We acknowledge them as the traditional owners and recognise them for their care and continued connection with this land. We acknowledge their Elders past, present and emerging and pay respect to Kaurna and other First Nations peoples present with us today. As a church community, we commit to actively work alongside First Nations people for truth, unity, equality, equity, and healing.

Timeline of the Night

6.30pm – Art Warm Up

6.35pm  – Welcome and theme introduction

6.50pm – Intro to Art Activity

7.00pm – Creative Time

From 7.00pm – Dinner

8.00pm – Dessert

8.50pm – Farewell

8.55pm – Pack Up

Art Warm Up

The art warm up will help you loosen up and feel more confident to be creative later in the night.

Step 1:  Get a piece of paper, a pencil/texta/pen and objects to trace around

Step 2: Place on object on your paper and trace around it

Step 3: Place other objects on your page and trace them. You can overlap them.

Step 4 and 5: Keep going until your page is full

Step 6: (optional) Colour in, or draw pattern in the different shapes on your page.

Theme for the night

Art Activity – Record and CD Painting

You can use either acrylic paints or paint pens to decorate Records or CDs.

There are pros and cons to either option.
Acrylic paints
Pros – easy to cover areas, can blend colours, can mix any colour you like
Cons – harder to control and to create smooth lines, can take longer to dry
Paint pens
Pros – easy to use and control, can create fine detail
Cons – can look a bit streaky, might need multiple layers, can bleed into the grooves of the record

Step 1: Prep your Record or CD. Spray with alchol and wipe with paper towel. This will clean off any dirt and oily residue.
Optional: If you are using a CD you can use tape to peel off the reflective coating to have a clear CD to paint.

Step 2: Choose a design and choose if you want to use acrylic paints, paint pens or a mixture of both.
You can add layers multiple layers of paint, just make sure the first layer is dry.

Step 3: Once paint is dry you can coat in clear varnish to stop the paint from chipping off.

Almost any acrylic paint technique can be use to decorate records and CD. See some examples above, and so ‘how to’ images below.

Based of ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’ by Hokuski

Step 1: Clean record

Step 2: Paint base layer of white

Step 3: Paint outline and details

Step 4: Add in colours

Step 5: Redo outline

Step 6: Add details

Step 1: Paint record label black

Step 2: Add tape to record

Step 3: Paint each section a different colour

Step 4: Add darker shapes

Step 5: Score paint around tape and peel off

Step 6: Add details with paint pens