October 2023 – Movie Night (Strange World)

At Sunday Evenings we watched the movie Strange World and discussed what we can learn about our faith and life from this movie.

You can participate at home my watching the movie and discussing the below questions with your friends and family.

You might find a physical DVD of the movie or a copy is also available for those with a subscription via DisneyPlus: https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/movies/strange-world/1OVzv6hnhOFm

Group Discussion Questions

  1. What can the relationship between humanoid and non-humanoid creatures in this movie teach us about our place in society and creation?
  2. Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had to reshape your thinking about something? How did that go?
  3. Can you remember a time you’ve had to work to maintain a relationship with someone even though you disagree?
  4. Who do you identify with more: Jaeger, Searcher, or Ethan?
  5. The end of the movie shows that they had to switch from Pando to windpower, but it doesn’t show the process. How do you think that process went? Can you think of any real-life examples of major shifts in thinking we have made as a society?